Better screening saves lives.®
ViziLite® Plus with TBlue® is the leading oral cancer screening system that was developed to help oral healthcare professionals identify, evaluate, monitor and mark abnormal oral lesions suspicious for pathology including precancerous cells and cancer that may be difficult to see during a regular visual exam.
ViziLite® Plus with TBlue® Advantage:
Patented and clinically proven technology that has helped healthcare professionals for more than a decade
A clinical study has shown that the use of ViziLite® Plus with TBlue® after a conventional visual examination resulted in
— NO FALSE NEGATIVE OUTCOMES, meaning in this clinical study ViziLite® Plus with TBlue® identified every lesion that had precancerous cells or cancer
— SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCING the number of false positive lesions identified during standard visual examinations – limiting the number of biopsies that may have normally been performed
Quick and easy-to-use system that incorporates seamlessly into your existing oral cancer screening examination
Small device makes it easy to see all areas of the oral cavity
Disposable technology eliminates cross-contamination
TBlue® is manufactured in a GMP facility, providing consistency in product quality
ViziLite® Plus with TBlue® “No Regrets” Promise:
NO costly capital investment
NO technology obsolescence and support limitations as next generation products are introduced
NO claims without supporting clinical studies
NO limitations when viewing oral cavity due to size of device
Squamous cell carcinoma
- What you see under normal light
- What you see using ViziLite® Plus with TBlue®